stephanie van schilt – sisteria podcast
Writing + Podcasts
Melbourne, VIC
Sisteria is a podcast about women and non-binary creatives and their experiences creating and consuming arts and culture. Each episode features interviews with emerging and established artists and arts workers. Sisteria allows guests to promote work, reflect on personal and professional struggles and achievements, and lead conversations about creativity.
After hosting and co-producing an all-woman episode of Rereaders with Jess O’Callaghan, Steph and Jess decided to create a show to amplify voices of women and non-binary creatives in local podcasting. The outcome was Sisteria: a podcast driven by passion and dedication to community-building and supporting women and non-binary creatives.
Sisteria season one was co-produced by Izzy Roberts-Orr and season two was co-produced by Jessica Lukjanow. Our theme music is provided by Sydney-based musician and artist Rainbow Chan. Sisteria season one and two were co-hosted by long-time collaborator Veronica Sullivan (aka Ronnie).
Currently Steph is flying solo, producing/editing/promoting/hosting a special Sisteria Stays Home series. This newly imagined version of Sisteria is being recorded remotely from Steph’s home in locked-down Melbourne, to support women and non-binary artists and writers who have lost work and/or promotional opportunities during the coronavirus crisis. Upcoming episodes will feature Distinguished Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson, screenwriter and director Corrie Chen, poet and performer Sista Zai Zanda, Fire Front Indigenous poetry anthology editor Alison Whittaker, author Laura Jean McKay and essayist Ellena Savage.